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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  March 23, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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how are we ever going to find a car to fit our budget? daddy: and that fits all of us? kiddo: carvana! mommy: i don't want to spend more than 30k. kiddo: budget... daddy: i want something we can go camping in. kiddo: style. mommy: we like heated seats. daddy: and you like singing at stoplights kiddo: premium sound.. mommy & daddy: and we both need parking assist. kiddo: here. i'll meet you outside. bring your purse. daddy: carvana. our kid's a genius. mommy: how do we get it? kiddo: they deliver! daddy: all right, let's go. announcer: buy your car the easy way with carvana. ♪ doing all right, mama, i'm okay. ♪ if i know your late night talks with jesus have helped me on my way ♪ i know it wasn't
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always easy raising my father's son. ♪ your son will be all right if the shows keep coming -- ♪ this oldgy with tar and me are still strumming. ♪ know you always knew i always took it way too far. ♪ but i'm doing all right now, mama. ♪ i'm doing all right now, mama. ♪ i'm doing all right or now, mama. ♪ i'm doing okay. ♪ [applause] will: that is keyedty jinks singing mama's song. there are very few things in this life i know very much about
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a, but one thing i know about is country. and i tell you guys when i love something. when something makes my top the five. cody jinking ises is, without a doubt, one of my top five all-time performance artists, and it's not just me. it's my sons, it's my wife. and so i am super excited today to have cody jinks on "fox & friends." he's got a new album called change the game. he's going to be performing outlaws and mustangs a little bit later. you're not going to want to miss that at i 9:50, and he's on tour all over the next couple of months. and i'm working, rachel and charlie are, making cody my best friend. [laughter] rachel: how's that going? will: we both love the same parts of texas, duck hunting, i think he might even row -- rachel: he does? will: project best friend off and running. rachel: are you a dog person too, cody? if. will: i mean, of course.
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charlie: oh, yeah. rachel: you might have to break the man rule -- will: pete's out this weekend, so he's left himself as a result potential. i mean, it i'm a big fan. stick around and listen to cody jinks. rachel: you'll have him a little bit later in the show as well. let's move on to this, because we've been talking all morning about that video footage by "the new york post" if journalist of, basically, illegal immigrants storming our border, overrunning our national guard who were on the scene and all three of us agree that this might be the image -- there's plenty the of time left for other images to come out, but this at this moment is the image that i think can really turn a campaign, an election. if you ever thought, you know, that the white house is saying, oh, nothing's going on over there, it's okay, you only have to look at this to see it's not okay. and the worst part about a it is that the nobody was deported after this. in fact, what we believe has happened is that people have
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been released. and we know that in part because karine jean-pierre if won't with admit or won't say that they have been deported. he just says they were detained. and so that probably means they were released after -- as all the other illegal immigrants are. carr shar and it's it's so important to point out that, of course, the reason this is so shocking is simply because it was caught on tape. someone made the point earlier that this happens hundreds and thousands of times over the last three years. rachel: absolutely. will: here is karine jean-pierre. >> reporter: has the president seen that dramatic video of migrants surging past national guardsmen in texas? if. >> i mean, look, i have not spoken to the president about that video. what i can say is this, you know, i a really, truly believe that's a question for, you know, the republican governor of texas.
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right? this is, this is manager that he should address, that the he should actually speak to. >> reporter: i get that you guys -- you talk so much about having a more humane. immigration system. this video does not show helpless women and children becking for a safe place to come in -- begging for a safe place. it shows adult men landing haymakers on u.s. troops in uniform. if that was happening anywhere e el in the world, wouldn't president biden send reinforcements in. >> two things, everyone was ap a rehelped by the border patrol agents -- apprehended. >> reporter: were they deported? >> i can't speak to individual cases. that's not something i can do from here. but they were all a ap a rehended. will: they were all apprehended but not deported. take a look at the numbers we're talking about here. of course, several hundred in that video, but you're talking about 190,000 in february encountered and, again,ing i wouldn't -- i'm tempted to say shocking, but how do you be shocked by something consistent? 70 arrested illegal immigrants
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on the fbi terror watch list. charlie, you brought it up. we had the reporter who captured that video on "fox & friends" earlier, and what i found fascinating, i don't know if you got a chance to listen to jenny, but she said the reason this erupted into violation is the can't ifations were let down -- expectations were let down. what happened is all of these were single adult-aged men. they expected a certain process implemented through border patrol of biden policies. they were met instead with national guard, they were met with national guard deployed by texas governor greg abbott. upon realization that their expectations would not be met, theyup wouldn't go expedited through the process, but instead they'd be turned away by texas the national guard, this on your screen is what you got, and this is what jenny had to say on "fox & friends." rachel: wow. >> i think the white house's response is very telling on this because they focus on
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congratulating border patrol, but they never mention the national guard here. our military members who were totally overrun, assaulted, beaten some of these members of the national guard did go to the hospital for minor injuries. this was a really brutal situation, and the border patrol was actually rewarding this behavior. and it's not the rank and file agents, but it's their leadership in washington that is instruct thing them to open the gate, to are let these people in and ap a rehending them is a -- apprehending them is a very loose term nowadays because we know a lot of these people are caught and and released. rachel: yeah, she's totally right. what's fascinating about it it is, you're right, the expectations, i paid $10,000 to the cartel, and they told me that you guys were going to the let me in. and when that didn't happen because the national guard was there, they got upset. you know what that scene reminded me of actually?
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the scenes in afghanistan. people just rushing, that chaos and that or you know, disregard for what authorities were saying should happen at that moment. and, again, charlie, such karine jean-pierre didn't mention the national guard. the national guard that this administration used to guard the capitol because they were so worried about american citizens, you know, protesting at the capitol. no regard -- charlie: yeah, if anything, she was apologizing that the national guard met them. rachel: yes. charlie: this underscores the importance of the message that the administration sends to these countries. they're listening, they're paying attention to this stuff, and they look on social media that, oh, we can do this. and that message, the message if you broadcast is very clear. and this is the result of it. and that's why you see those migrant trains coming up. and when you have an entire democrat party that believes in giving free health care to illegal aliens, that's -- and and all of them, everybody,
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every democrat running for the nomination last time supported free health care for illegal aliens. that news reaches people all over south america, central america and around the world. and that is what drives these numbers, and that's how -- why you wind up with these scenes like this. and there's nothing, there's nothing charitable about it. there's nothing more evil than coaxing people with lies to come across and rusk their lives to do this -- risk their lives to do this. rachel: yeah. charlie: they want to act a like they're being charitable, and they're not. rachel: it also a attracts people like this, do you know what i'm saying? will: good point, incentive. rachel: exactly. when i was in aoc's district and interviewing a business owner who was upset about the fact that she had to pay for a liquor license, and the illegal immigrants outside were selling bottles of liquor and urinate being on the street, and there was prostitution outside, and i interviewed prostitutes who were only here 11 months so they'd
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clearly come across the border, she said to me i came here 15 years ago, and spi love this country so much. i wouldn't so much as jaywalk, let alone do these things. so, again, talking to just the disregard, the kind of people they're attracting and the lack of respect for our laws. charlie: yeah. will: well, one with other thing people have become weary about the effects of covid, and i think on the other hand people think there's never been a full account and we're sill is reconcile isinging with one of the biggest disruptions perhaps in american history and how we've handled policy and our children. here's some of that reconciliation. public schools are recognizing exactly how much they've lost in terms of, well, students who went away and never came back, but also those that stayed, how far they fell behind. before the pandemic, 36% learning below grade level. after the pandemic, 50% learning below grade level. rachel: yeah. of you interviewed rebecca friedricks about this topic
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earlier, charlie. here's what she said. >> these so-called teaching unions from the day they were started in 1857, they made it very clear that they are socialists. i can tell you firsthand that so-called teacher unions do not represent teachers, nor do they the represent children. they are there to intentionally dumb down our kids. you can see that in how they're sexualizing the children, how they're teaching them to hate capitalism. they're teaching them intentionally to hate our op founding fathers. -- our founding fathers. we need to kick out the special interest groups, bring back the parents and do what's right for our children and our country. charlie: and who was the number one advocate of shutting down schools during covid? teachers' unions. and, of course, the democrat party does absolutely whatever teacher unions order them to. and, of course, they get paid handsomely in massive donations that they take from teachers in many cases against their wishes. but this is, you know, how we're
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not -- how they're not being with judged on that one metric. 36% failing before covid and then 50% failing after covid, the lockdowns. rachel: yeah. charlie: it's shocking. rachel: china that deny lock down like this. our unions did that because they were basically holding the country ransom. if you don't give us this money, we're not going to open up the schools. by the way, catholic schools open the entire time, didn't have that windfall of money. kids were just as safe and have not seen this decrease in learning because of that. my fear, will, and we talk about this a lot on the show is that we haven't learned our lesson from this. and the reason we haven't is because no one has actually been held accountable for it. dr. fauci is still vaulted and vaunted and treated as if he was, you know, a superstar even to though he was very much behind this policy and could have stopped it and knew that there was no reason to lock these kids down. will: so many revelations from covid, so little accountability.
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one thing we can control, i think, is ourselves and be accountable to ourselves. a lot of us can understand that -- it was a revelation for me about human nature. i used to think greed was at the bottom. i think fear exists at the bottom, and this teaches you don't give in to fear. it will be martialed and weaponized against you. rachel: yeah. charlie: and while there hasn't been the accountability you'd like, there was a lot of trepidation at the beginning because no in one knew what to expect. they were trying to believe anthony fauci. i think if he came out tomorrow and said, oh, everybody, we need to lock the country down for a year, the country would revolt. will: all right. turning now to your headlines, two teen squatters wanted in the kelling of a new york city woman are in -- killing of a new york city woman are in custody. the suspects slammed the vick's head against the wall after she caught them living in her late mother's apartment. then they stuff thed her body in a duffel bag and stole her car, crashing it just outside of
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heifers burg. both suspects -- harrisburg. both suspects face deportation. stellantis is laying off 400 workers as it transitions to making electric vehicles. the company ordered employees to work from home yesterday before telling them. the company saying these actions will better align resources while preserving the critical skills needed to protect our competitive advantage as we remain laser focused on implementing our ev products. yeah. the ncaa tournament, millions of brackets are busted after four big upsets starting with this one. i knew it was going to happen. i intellectually understood the exercise, i still picked auburn to win it all, and they lost to yale. [cheers and applause] >> puts it up -- checked by hamilton! johnston for the win! [cheers and applause] will: i say i knew it was going to happen? the a stat is whenever a slow
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team plays a fast team, the slow it down team wins 80% of the time, and yet i still took auburn off the way to national championship game. james madison taking down wisconsin. rachel -- rachel: yeah. will: oh, so thousand you don't have much to say. [laughter] a. rachel: i'm a fickle fan. will: plus brand canyon getting its first ever march madness win in an upset over st. mary's. and this one came down to sort of a buzzer beater, colorado took down florida thanks to this last second jump shot. >> williams to inbound. certainson -- simpson -- [inaudible] for the lead, oh! will: hit it with, like, one second left on the clock. buffalo's coach showing off his moves in the locker room to celebrate the big win. and those are your headlines. so very few perfect brackets. in fact, mine might be the worst out there after this.
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but patrick mahomes made a bet, i believe he made it with the former quarterback of the texas longhorns over texas and texas tech. and texas won, texas tech lost. so mahomes had to do this. he said, okay, a bet's a bet, cool, hook 'em. okay, cool, hook 'em. that's patrick ma hopes dressed up -- patrick mahomes dressed up as a longhorn. these two don't do brackets, so it's just me and you talking. what's going on here? i found the only two people many america that don't do a bracket. literally, you're the only two people -- well, make it three because count larry david as well. >> you know what? can i make an admission here? >> sure. >> this tournament -- how much can i follow in sports? [laughter] i'm supposed to know who won --
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[laughter] this is crazy, crazy. value prize sew? if i know names? this is insane. i don't know anything. [laughter] maybe i'll watch the semifinal. that's it. what can i do? if i've got the rangers, you know? i've got the knicks. i can't follow all these teams. [laughter] how do people do it? >> i don't know. >> how do they do it in. >> great question. i don't know either. >> who are they married to? rachel: exactly! who are they married -- that's so funny. i feel like he was canal thatting me. will: the answer is people don't, hay don't know. i didn't know. let's be real. rachel: romano knows. will: no, he doesn't. rachel: yes, he does. will: ask him about valpo who's not in the tournament. he can't name one player from gonzaga, not one. charlie: you know what's amazing about this? larry david, he likes basketball. of he follows basketball. he likes sports, he follows the
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knicks. think about what it's like for a guy who doesn't even know any of the professional basketball teams. will: you? char char i don't know anything about any of this stuff. i follow baseball. i like baseball with. will: my bracket's horrific. charlie: i'm really sorry. will: you guys wouldn't -- you don't have to know anything. there's a probability based on history -- charlie: $20, that a' all you're looking for. >> there's a high probability based upon our history that ray hell would have won by pick her favorite color or mascots. rachel: that's true. the cutest uniform. charlie: we did it last year in my family, and and i just lost $10, $20. my mother won -- will: and she knew everything? charlie: she knewing nothing. she knew less than i did. will: exactly. rachel: all right. there's a brand new epa regulation that might stick you with an electric the vehicle in coming years. oh, my god, they just cannot give up on this. they're going to do that whether you like it or not. will: marc morano on the new
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rules of the road. here we go... (♪) a perfect king's hawaiian slider. tastes good too! king's hawaiian slider sunday... the only way to sunday! when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together. ♪ ♪ make your dream car...a reality. mercedes-benz certified pre-owned vehicles are rigorously inspected to live up to the highest of expectations.
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rachel: president biden's epa rolling out the toughest regulations yet on gas-powered cars this week in a massive effort to curb emissions. their new goal, to have over half of all u.s. car sales to be
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electric by 2032 with hybrids at 13%. and even though they're the most aggressive rules we've seen, they're still short of what the biden administration if had initially been gunning for. climate publisher marc morano if joins us now. marc, good morning. i guess -- i'm trying to understand this, you know? having these ev cars are going to make us more didn't on china which is an existential threat to our country. and, by the way, or they're in the western hemisphere all over latin america. why would we want to empower china more and go to evs? >> it makes no sense. the entire green agenda empowers china. solar, wind, ev batteries. half a million pounds of materials to make one 1,000-pound ev battery. and all of this is chiefly dominated by china. and not only does china dominate all the rare earth mining and all the a materials to make it,
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but china dominates the automakerrer, the auto field now as an automaker. they're passing the u.s., south korea, they're dominating europe. e.u.'s thinking of putting tariffs on chinese-made vehicles. this is a china empower ifment bill, but more importantly, it's a hammer america bill because this affects our freedom the of movement. rachel: yeah. it's a war on modern life. you've said that many times. it totally is. it makes no sense. and, again request, people are trying to understand why they would do it. is it for profit? because i don't know. it just doesn't make any sense. i want you to listen to this clip joe biden from his state of the union to understand what his ultimate goal is. >> and when i talk to a couple of them and they say we're afraid you're going to shut down all the oil wells and oil refineries anyway so why should we invest in them, i say we're going to need oil at least for another decade, and that's going to exceed -- [laughter] and beyond that. we're going to need it.
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rachel: what do you make of that? if. >> yeah. everyone wants to invest long term and maybe for another decade. once you invest in this project, which which we're going to shut down within 10 years. first of all, for him to be delusional for for them to think we're going to need oil for another 10 years, oh, you think? is that a profound thought? there's a story from a man at ucla that wrote totalitarians use measures to enforce beliefs. we are enforcing magical beliefs through the bureaucracy whether it's on solar, wind and, of course, this latest ev mandate. this is akin to magical beliefs whether -- it's probably easier to transition your energy than it is your gender. that's an example of some of the magical beliefs that they're trying to do. rachel: right. how is this tied to the great reset? >> this is all tied -- this is designed to create chaos. first of all, to collapse our
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rationing of energy, rationing of food and rationing of transportation, freedom of movement. all of this is part of the great reset. you will go nowhere and be happy. that's what a this ultimately is especially with the ev mandates, especially with the energy. and they're coming after agriculture now. that's one of the biggest things happening now. john kerr i has now said u.s. agriculture is in its sights. bill gates, largest farmland owner. guess what happened last meat? lab grown meat approvedded for human consumption, first time ever in the usa. so if it's not the lab grown meat, it's going to be insects. they're just making everything chaos is so that we have to accept more totalitarian control and authoritarian control of society. rachel: yeah. if they can control food, energy and your currency, they can control you. you've done such a good job of researching this and connecting the dots to the from great reset, and i really appreciate that, marc morano. always great having you on the show. >> thank you, rachel. rachel: all right. up next, jesse e watters and
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will are are rewriting the bro code. >> men if should not eat soup in public. but there's some exceptions. if you're in new england and it's a clouder the situation -- chowder situation? rachel: i love the jesse exceptions. he doesn't eat soup in public most of the time. it's his world. we've just got to live by his rules. jesse cat possessor is next. [laughter] ♪ ♪ it's kubota orange days, shop the year's biggest selection of kubota equipment and get 0% apr for 84 months or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. find your nearest dealer at want luxury hair repair that doesn't cost $50? pantene's pro-vitamin formula repairs hair. as well as the leading luxury bonding treatment. for softness and resilience, without the price tag. if you know... you know it's pantene.
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♪ will: today president biden if his former boss are paying tribute to obamacare. former president obama if will join bind along with former seek speaker nancy pelosi in a virtual rally to mark the anniversary of the affordable care act. rachel: it's not the only recent visit obama paid to biden. time magazine is reporting the two met twice with worries about
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the 2024 election and a warning by obama that donald trump may win the election. charlie: here to reab act, host of jessie watters prime time and author of "get it together," jesse watters. [laughter] >> good morning guys. rachel: morning, jesse. charlie: good morning. is obama going to turn the ship around? >> no, unless the cia screws up the election again -- [laughter] which is about 50-50. he was just over at downing street paying a visit to the british, so who knows what's happening behind the scenes. i definitely don't. but these people don't really like each other. remember, he tapped hillary as the person to beat trump in '16. biden was angry. the person he tap thed lost and then biden -- tapped, and then biden beat the person in 2020 that obama had tapped. so biden feels validated that
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he's beaten trump, but now he needs all the help he can get because it's all hands on deck. the convention's going to be in chicago, and they're going to need everything. they're going to need blacks, hispanics, the entire with obama coalition that he so is generously handed joe biden is disintegrating faster than nub razes. so i'm to not -- realizes. i'm not really sure the magic obama has is going to be able to replicate itself next time. rachel: jesse, he did win, but he won with a little help from the fbi and big tech that were suppressing information from the voters in that laptop. looking forward, do you think, i mean, i don't know, i mean, what do you think? what do you really think is going to happen? >> i think trump has to win big in order to win, or because if it's close, i don't trust it. that's why it has to be a landslide are. he's got to win these rust belt states like he did in '16. and right now if you look at the polling, he wins handily.
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i mean, he winds in a landslide. he's amid head in every single battle ground, but it's not over yet. biden's going the throw a ton of money at him. the fbi and cia are teeing up a counterintelligence investigation. if you look at what they're saying about donald trump, they're already saying because they're taking his money and property, he's going to have to borrow money from someone overseas. that could trigger an fbi counterintelligence investigation. and they're also saying he's a domestic threat because they're combining the dictator on day one hoax with the bloodbath hoax to make it look like it's going to be a civil war. so the big intel's going to be crawling all over this campaign again like they did last time. it's just whether or not the american people can see through that kind of noise. will: cat terse, i -- watters, i just found out five minutes ago that you weren't coming in studio. they said he's on remote? what, did the rain scare him away? how unmanly.
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charlie: he didn't want to mess up his hair. [laughter] so watters the and i earlier this week on the will cane show debated what is and is not manly. he's got a long let's of rules like a man shouldn't eat soup in public, a man shouldn'lick an ice cream cone. the viewers have e-mailed in on some of your rules for men. here's what they've had to say is. here's a good suggestion from charles. men should never let a female pick up a tab for anything. rachel: i just picked up your breakfast tab -- [laughter] will: different. rachel: that wasn't very manly. will: every rule has an exception, watters knows that. charlie, what else did they say? charlie: another one from nicole, absolutely no skinny jeans. i totally agree with that. or skinny sues, by the way. skinny suits or skinny jeans. does that ring true for growing or jesse? >> yeah, no skinny jeans, and the men always have obey the tab, but it doesn't prize surprise me that rachel picks up
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your breakfast. will: scott, the last viewer said don't listen to jesse. by the way,ing get it together's out, jesse and i did talk about it for half an hour. he interviews about two dozen radical lefties in here, but he did something surprising. you know, watters expressed curiosity, and he went -- [laughter] and talked to them ant why it is they think the way they think. and it's really good, jesse. i don't mean -- i don't give fake compliments. it's a really good book. >> well, hang for the endorsement. -- thank you for the endorsement. rachel: do we have a clip from that? >> we do. what's your ideal green home look like? >> create your own electricity through rain water. >> bamboo. >> so you're vaccinated, right? and you're wearing hamasing outside. >> yep. >> why are you doing that? >> just for safety. >> you would fight terrorism through humanitarian measures. >> i mean, in idealistic
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circumstances. >> you would drop food on terrorists. >> yeah. >> how to you feel about me? if. >> you're [bleep] [laughter] rachel: jesse, i love what will said, that a you actually had a curiosity about these liberals. so what was your biggest takeaway? what can we -- tell us what we can learn from this book. what's the one main hinge about them? if. >> you're going to laugh, because if these tales they tell me are shocking, and no one's ever heard anything hike in this before. no one's ever done a book like this before. i actually learned how to listen, rachel -- [laughter] and many people -- rachel: that's very manly. it's also a useful in marriage. >> -- daughter curiosity at all. yes, listening, apparently, is a very, very big factor. so i listened, and they poured their life stories out to me. and now i realize what makes liberals liberals. i understand what drives them, what motivates them. and if you buy this book, "get it together," you will too understand why people want to open the border, empty the
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prisons, legalize drugs and prostitution and tear down the statues of our founding fathers. it has nothing to do with logic. these people did not read john locke and come up with any of this ideology. these people are, have personality disorders, and they're projecting their problems on the rest of us. and what the book says is your problems aren't our problems. get it together, because this country does not say get it together anymore. we're afraid to. we just have to say, no, knock it off. charlie: i commend you for going out into their natural habitat to study them. that's probably a step in the right direction. will: life's about growth, charlie. >> it was an anthropological investigation, charlie. charlie: is rowing, a nation their -- stationary rowing device, does that count as manly behavior or not? will: he plays field hockey. >> it's considered exercise, but it's not exercise that i would
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do. first of all, you're sitting, and any sort of exercise where you sit, like a stationary bike or a rowing machine, i wouldn't consider very good. i'm not going to blast you because many people on the crew team might come at me with an oa a r to the face. will: see? >> but it's not water polo. will: that's right, watters. you know what's interesting about you? life's about growth, and i'm trulyly happy for you that at age 45 you discovered curiosity, listening and empathy. [laughter] >> you know -- will: he did say -- >> you think i'm just this horrible person that cuts off jessica tarlov every day for a living, but there's so much more to me. rah. [laughter] will: including humility. >> yes, humility. some people say humility is my best asset. [laughter] rachel: well, the book is called "get it together." jesse, we're so happy to have you. come again and come join us on
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the couch one of these days. we don't live far from each to other. not that big of a drive. >> well, it's raining. it's the raining, as will said. [laughter] and i got a book signing. thanks, guys. will: "get it together." go get it right now. by the way, one of my absolute favorites, country music singer and song writer cody jinks is here, and he's about to perform. ♪ ♪ finish what can i do to make a better cotton crop? we believe that the best products are made in america and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable farming techniques. from our sheets to our blankets and quilts this is a product that can be passed on. it could be a family heirloom. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20. ♪ limu emu ♪ ♪ and doug ♪ hello, ghostbusters. it's doug... ... of doug and limu.
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charlie: we're back with a fox news alert. well wishes are pouring in for kate middleton after announcing her cancer diagnosis yesterday. the princess of wales says she is well and undergoing preventative chemotherapy. stephanie bennett is live outside buckingham palace with the details. stephanie. >> reporter: hey there, guys. yeah, there are just tons of people who are coming to the palace today, a lot of them coming up to us giving us their condolences for kate and her speedy recovery, of course, and also for the king. both of them undergoing medical treatment for their cancer. of the details remain very limited. we still do not know a lot of the details, but we -- about the type of cancer and what stage it is in, but the 42-year-old princess revealed she is undergoing chemotherapy and is in the early stages of that treatment. you may remember back on january 17th she had undergone a planned and successful abdominal surgery which at the time they believed her condition was noncancerous. however, further tests after that operation found cancer had
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been present. now, she posted a video message yesterday on to x, and she says that she is getting strong or e every day and praises her hud william for -- his william for being a great source of comfort and reassurance. >> my medical team, therefore, advised i should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy. most importantly, it has taken this time to explain everything to george, charlotte and louis in a way that's appropriate for them and to reassure them that i'm going to be okay. for everyone facing this disease in whatever form, please do not lose faith or hope. >> reporter: yeah, and king charles says he is so proud of catherine for her courage in speaking and has remained in the closest contact with his beloved daughter-in-law throughout the past few weeks. meghan and harry also saying, quote, we wish health and healing for kate and the family e and hope they are able to do so privately and in peace. kate's brother james also took to instagram to chair a
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childhood photo of them from a hiking trip saying, quote, over the years we have climb. >>ed many mountains together. as a family, we will climb this one with you too as well. the princess of wales says she is looking forward to getting back to work, but for now she needs to focus on her health, her family and also her recovery. back to you. rachel: thank you, stephanie. appreciate that update. we're all wishing her well as well from over here. a big show tomorrow. senator eric schmitt, kurt the cyber guy and, obvious, our own maria bartiromo. will: but first, country music singer and song writer cody i didn't thinks is here with a live performance. you don't want to miss it. ♪ ♪ not a game! we're talking about cashbacking. we're talking about... we're not talking about practice? no... cashbacking. word. we're talking about cashbacking. cashbacking. cashbacking. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback?
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and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. rachel: welcome back to "fox & friends". multiplatinum if award-winning independent singer and song writer jodi jinks is out with a brand -- cody jinks is out with a brand new album, it's out right now. will: and he joins us in studio. everybody knows because i've said it on numerous occasions, i'm a massive fan as is my entire family. i just got a signed photograph by the entire band. cody, i am so excited to have you on "fox & friends". >> thank you. i feel like this has been a long time coming because a couple years ago i sent that father's day thing to you. it's taken a couple of years,
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but thank you. final arely. rachel: do you want to be his best friend? [laughter] he's dying. >> we pretty much just became like stepbrothers a while ago. we both like to duck hunt, and ask we're from the same area and, you know -- will: and we both like ayn rand. >> we're ayn rand fans. rachel: okay, i like that too. this album's very personal, isn't it? >> yes. rachel: tell us why it's so personal to you. >> it's my first 43 years. i let go of a lot of things from my youth, and i had to grow up a lot. i think this record shows the people that have been listening to us for the last 20 years, i hope they've kind of grown up with us. i think it shows a maturity and not so much the honky tonking, you know, like, kind of bad boy type thing. like, there's a little vulnerable stuff in there. charlie: was there any one thing that smackerred the inspiration for it -- sparked the inspiration for it? >> i think just personal growth request. we were just talking, whenever
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covid hit, i took a year and a half off the road, we couldn't -- and i got to know my kids. you know, we all did. rachel: yeah. >> i learned to like being at a home and hadn't been for many, many years. so i pumped the brakes and grew up a little bit. will: and your inspiration, and i've read this, your wife is right over there. his inspiration for a lot of this album. i can testify, real country music. this is rah real country music you're about to hear. rachel: the real stamp of -- the will stamp of approval. will: absolutely. here is outlaws and mustangs, cody jinks. ♪ ♪ well, the world tears down all those who -- ♪ ♪ with we pay a price for going our own way. ♪ -- of our scars ♪
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♪ and we find ourselves losing who we are. ♪ go on, hit the highway, disappear in the night. ♪ gotta see the world all by yourself, and that's all right. ♪ you ain't leaving me worried, you were born to run. ♪ the thing about a outlaws and mustangs, they alls come home -- they always come home. ♪ they always come home. ♪ you outlaws and mustangs, restless and on the run ♪ ♪ well, come on, you misfit daughters and you prodigal sons many.
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♪ you don't have to -- [inaudible] ♪ go on, hit the highway, disappear in the night. ♪ you've got to see the world all by yourself, and that's all right. ♪ you ain't leaving me worried, you were born to roam. ♪ the thing about outlaws and mustangs, they alls come home -- they always come home. ♪ hay always come home. ♪ ♪ go on hit the highway, disappear in the night.
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♪ gotta see the world all by yourself, and that's all right. ♪ you ain't leaving me worried, you were born to roam. ♪ the thing about a outlaws and mustangs, they always come home. ♪ they always come home. ♪ they always come home. ♪ they always come home ♪ [cheers and applause]
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♪ but i cast no stones. will: cody jinxes, change the game. he just plaid outlaws and mustangs. go get it. that's real country music, right? if. rachel: it sure is. we're fans, big fans. >> thank you. rachel: i noticed, by the way, that you gave him a guitar pick. will: yes. rachel: he's super manly, he gives friendship bracelets -- will: well, we did, show 'em your tattoo, cody. show 'em your knuckles. 1980, so i got my own, sherman, texas, 1975. rachel: rachel did the tattoos. will: that does it, we're best friends. [laughter] rachel: all right. bye, everybody. see you tomorrow. will: see you tomorrow. ♪ ♪ neil: folk on top of a world still in shock i


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